State Alcohol Policies

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Pub. No. 243. Lenk KM, Scholz N, Schriemer D, Toomey TL, Erickson DJ, Jones-Webb R, Nelson TF. The Interplay of Local- and State-Level Alcohol Policies in the US.  Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 85(4):463-467, 2024.
Pub. No. 216. Lenk KM, Nelson TF, Toomey TL, Jones-Webb R, Erickson DJ. Sobriety checkpoint and open container laws in U.S.: Associations with reported drinking-driving. Traffic Injury Prevention, 17(8):782-787, 2016.
Pub. No. 215. Linde AC, Toomey TL, Lenk KM, Wolfson J, Jones-Webb R, Erickson DJ. Associations between responsible beverage service laws and binge drinking and alcohol-impaired driving. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 60(2):35-49, 2016.
Pub. No. 212. Erickson DJ, Lenk KM, Toomey TL, Nelson TF, Jones-Webb R. The state-level policy environment, enforcement, and alcohol use in the United States. Drug and Alcohol Review, 35:6-12, 2016.
Pub. No. 213. Erickson D, Rutledge P, Lenk K, Nelson T, Jones-Webb R, Toomey T. Patterns of alcohol policy enforcement activities among local law enforcement agencies: A latent class analysis. International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 4(2):103-111, 2015.
Pub. No. 206. Sanem JR, Erickson DJ, Rutledge P, Lenk KM, Nelson TF, Jones-Webb R, Toomey TL. Association between alcohol-impaired driving enforcement-related strategies and alcohol-impaired driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 78:104-119, 2015.
Pub. No. 202. Erickson DJ, Lenk KM, Toomey TL, Nelson TF, Jones-Webb R, Mosher JF. Measuring the strength of state-level alcohol control policies. World Medical and Health Policy, 6(3):171-186, 2014.

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