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Underage alcohol use/access
Pub. No. 102. Mayer R, Forster JL, Murray DM, Wagenaar AC. Social settings and situations of underage drinking. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 59(2):207-215, 1998. |
Pub. No. 99. Toomey TL, Kilian GR, Gehan JP, Wagenaar AC, Perry CL, Jones-Webb R. Qualitative assessment of responsible alcohol service training programs. Public Health Reports, 113(2): 162-169, 1998. |
Pub. No. 96. Jones-Webb R, Toomey TL, Short B, Murray DM, Wagenaar AC, Wolfson M. Relationships among alcohol availability, drinking location, alcohol consumption, and drinking problems in adolescents. Substance Use and Misuse, 32(10), 1261-1285, 1997. |
Pub. No. 89. Jones-Webb R, Toomey TL, Miner KJ, Wagenaar AC, Wolfson M., Poon R. Why and in what context adolescents obtain alcohol from older adults. Substance Use & Misuse, 32(2):219-228, 1997. |
Pub. No. 84. Jones-Webb R, Short B, Wagenaar AC, Toomey TL, Murray DM, Wolfson M., Forster JL. Environmental predictors of drinking and drinking-related problems in young adults. Journal of Drug Education, 27(1):67-82, 1997. |
Pub. No. 92. Toomey TL, Williams CL, Perry CL, Murray DM, Dudovitz B, Veblen-Mortenson S. An alcohol primary prevention program for parents of 7th graders: The Amazing Alternatives! Home Program. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse. 5:35-53, 1996 |
Pub. No. 90. Klepp K-I, Jones-Webb R, Wagenaar AC, Short B, Murray DM, Forster JL. Measurement of alcohol and tobacco availability to underage students. Addictive Behaviors, 21(5):585-595, 1996. |
Pub. No. 86. Perry CL, Williams CL, Veblen-Mortensen S, Toomey TL., Komro KA, Anstine P, McGovern P, Finnegan JP, Forster JL, Wagenaar AC, Wolfson M. Project Northland: Outcomes of a community-wide alcohol use prevention program during early adolescence. American Journal of Public Health, 86(7):956-965, 1996 |
Pub. No. 85. Wolfson M, Toomey TL, Forster JL, Wagenaar AC, McGovern PG, Perry CL. Characteristics, policies, and practices of alcohol outlets and sales to underage persons. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57(6):670-674, 1996. |
Pub. No. 83. Wolfson M, Toomey TL, Forster JL, Murray DM, Short BJ, Wagenaar AC. Alcohol outlet policies and practices concerning sales to underage people. Addiction, 91(4):589-602, 1996. |
Pub. No. 79. Wagenaar AC, Toomey TL, Murray DM, Short BJ, Wolfson M, Jones-Webb R. Sources of alcohol for underage drinkers. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57(3): 325-333, 1996. |
Pub. No. 100. Toomey TL, Rosenfeld C, Wagenaar AC. The minimum legal drinking age: History, effectiveness, and ongoing debate. Alcohol Health and Research World, 20(4):213-218, 1996. |
Pub. No. 73. Wolfson M, Wagenaar AC, Hornseth G. Law officers’ views on enforcement of the minimum drinking age: A four-state study. Public Health Reports, 110(4):428-438, 1995. |
Pub. No. 74. Wagenaar AC, Wolfson M. Deterring sales and provision of alcohol to minors: A study of enforcement in 295 counties in four states. Public Health Reports, 110(4):419-427, 1995. |
Pub. No. 78. Forster JL, Murray DM, Wolfson M, Wagenaar AC. Commercial availability of alcohol to young people: results of alcohol purchase attempts. Preventive Medicine, 24:342-347, 1995. |
Pub. No. 77. Wagenaar AC, Holder HD. Changes in alcohol consumption resulting from the elimination of retail wine monopolies: Results from five U.S. states. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56:566-572, 1995. |
Pub. No. 67. Williams CL, Perry CL, Dudovitz B, Veblen-Mortenson S, Anstine PS, Komro KA, Toomey TL. A home-based prevention program for sixth-grade alcohol use: Results form Project Northland. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 16(2):125-47, 1995. |
Pub. No. 72. Forster J, McGovern P, Wagenaar AC, Wolfson M, Perry CL, Anstine P. The ability of young people to purchase alcohol without age identification. Addiction, 89:699-705, 1994. |
Pub. No. 70. Wagenaar AC., Wolfson, M. Enforcement of the legal minimum drinking age in the United States. Journal of Public Health Policy, 15(1):37-53, 1994. |
Pub. No. 69. Wagenaar AC, Murray DM, Wolfson M, Forster JL, Finnegan JR. Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol: Design of a randomized community trial. Journal of Community Psychology, (CSAP Special Issue):79-101, 1994. |
Pub. No. 64. Wagenaar AC, Perry CL. Community strategies for the reduction of youth drinking: Theory and application. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 4(2), 319-345, 1994. |
Pub. No. 62. Wagenaar AC. Minimum drinking age and alcohol availability to youth: Issues and research needs. In Alcohol and Health Monograph: Economics and the Prevention of Alcohol-related Problems, pp. 175-200. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 1993. |
Pub. No. 60. Perry CL, Williams CL, Forster JL, Wolfson M, Wagenaar AC, Finnegan JR, McGovern PG, Veblen-Mortenson S, Komro KA, Anstine P. Background, conceptualization, and design of a community wide research program on adolescent alcohol use: Project Northland. Health Education Research, 8(1): 125-136, 1993. |
Pub. No. 59. Wagenaar AC. Finnegan JR., Wolfson M, Anstine PS, Williams CL, Perry CL. Where and how adolescents obtain alcoholic beverages. Public Health Reports, 108(4):459-464, 1993. |
Pub. No. 58. Wagenaar AC. Research affects public policy: The case of the legal drinking age in the United States. Addiction, 88 (Supplement):75S-81S, 1993. |
Pub. No. 52. O’Malley P, Wagenaar AC. Effects of minimum drinking age laws on alcohol use, related behaviors, and traffic crash involvement among American youth 1976‑1987. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52(5):478-491, 1991. |
Pub. No. 52a. O’Malley P, Wagenaar AC. Minimum drinking age laws: Effects on American youth 1976-1987. Monitoring the Future Occasional Paper 28. Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research. |
Public opinion of alcohol policies
Pub. No. 94. Braun BL, Wolfson M, Jones-Webb R, Wagenaar AC. Civic participation by 18-20 year olds as a predictor of support for alcohol control policies. Contemporary Drug Problems, 24(1), 39-56, 1997. |
Pub. No. 93. Jones-Webb R, Wagenaar AC, Finnegan J. Designing a survey of public opinions regarding alcohol control policies among black and white adults. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 8(1):18-24, 1997. |
Pub. No. 66. Jones-Webb R, Greenfield T, Graves K. The relationship between ethnicity, social class, alcohol use and public opinion regarding alcohol control policies. Contemporary Drug Problems Winter: 719-738, 1993. |
Pub. No. 47. Wagenaar AC, Streff FM. Public opinion on alcohol policy. J Public Health Policy, 17(2):189-205, 1990. |
Privatization of alcohol sales
Pub. No. 77.1. Wagenaar AC, Holder HD. The Scientific process works: Seven replications now show significant wine sales increases after privatization. (Correspondence) Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 57(5):575-576, 1996. |
Pub. No. 75. Wagenaar AC, Langley JD. Alcohol licensing system changes and alcohol consumption: Introduction of wine into New Zealand grocery stores. Addiction, 90 (6):773-783, 1995. |
Pub. No. 49.1. Wagenaar AC, Holder HD. A response to Mulford, Ledolter and Fitzgerald (Correspondence). Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 54(2): 251-252, 1993. |
Pub. No. 49. Wagenaar AC, Holder HD. A change from public to private sale of wine: Results from natural experiments in Iowa and West Virginia. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 52(2):162-173, 1991. |
Pub. No. 50. Holder HD, Wagenaar AC. Effects of elimination of a state monopoly on distilled spirits retail sales: A time series analysis of Iowa. British Journal of Addiction, 85:1615-1625 1990. |
Server training/liability
Pub. No. 68. Holder H.D, Wagenaar AC. Mandated server training and reduced alcohol-involved traffic crashes: A time series analysis of the Oregon experience. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 26(1);89-97,1994. |
Pub. No. 53. Holder HD, Janes K, Mosher J, Saltz R, Spurr S, Wagenaar AC. Alcoholic beverage server liability and the reduction of alcohol-involved problems. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 54: 23-36, 1993. |
Pub. No. 54. Wagenaar AC, Holder HD. Effects of alcoholic beverage server liability on traffic crash injuries. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 15(6):942-947, 1991b. |
Pub. No. 95. Lee JA, Jones-Webb R, Short B, Wagenaar AC. Drinking location and risk of alcohol-impaired driving among high school seniors. Addictive Behaviors, (22)3:387-393, 1997. |
Pub. No. 76. Wagenaar AC, Zobeck TS, Williams GD, Hingson R. Methods used in studies of DWI control efforts: A meta-analysis of the literature from 1960 to 1991. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 27(3):307-316, 1995. |
Pub. No. 55. Wagenaar AC. Protecting our future: Options for preventing alcohol-impaired driving among youth. In P. Venturelli (ed.), Drug Use in America: Social, Cultural and Political Perspectives, pp. 193-202. Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 1994. |
Pub. No. 63. Wagenaar AC. Designated driver programs: A commentary on DeJong and Wallack. Health Education Quarterly, 19(4):443-5, 1992. |
Pub. No. 91. Murray DM, Clark MH, Wagenaar AC. Intraclass correlations from a community-based alcohol prevention study: The effect of repeat observations on the same communities. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 61(6):881-890, 2000. |
Pub. No. 104. Murray DM, Hannan PJ, Baker WL. A Monte Carlo study of alternative responses to intraclass correlation in community trials. Evaluation Review, 20(3):313-337, 1996. |
Pub. No. 105. Murray DM, Moskowitz JM, Dent CW. Design and analysis issues in community-based abuse prevention. American Behavioral Scientist, 39(7): 853-867, 1996. |
Pub. No. 106. Hannan PJ, Murray DM. Gauss or Bernoulli? A Monte Carlo comparison of the performance of the linear mixed-model and the logistic mixed-model analyses in simulated community trails with a dichotomous outcome variable at the individual level. Evaluation Review, 20(3):338-352,1996. |
Pub. No. 87. Murray DM, Short B. Intraclass correlation among measures related to alcohol use by school aged adolescents: Estimates, correlates and applications in intervention studies. Journal of Drug Education, 26(3):207-229, 1996. |
Pub. No. 81. Williams CL, Toomey T, McGovern P, Wagenaar AC, Perry CL. Development, reliability and validity of self-report alcohol-use measures with young adolescents. Journal of Child Adolescent Substance Abuse, 4(3):17-40, 1995. |
Pub. No. 88. Murray DM, Short B. Intraclass correlations among measures related to alcohol use by young adults: Estimates, correlates and applications in intervention studies. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 56(6):681-694, 1995. |
Pub. No. 103. Murray D.M., Wolfinger RD. Analysis issues in the evaluation of community trials: Progress toward solutions in SAS/STAT MIXED. Journal of Community Psychology, CSAP Special Issue:140-154, 1994. |
Pub. No. 65. Wagenaar AC, Wolfson M. Trade-offs between science and practice in the design of a randomized community trial. In T.K. Greenfield and R. Zimmerman (eds), Experiences with Community Action Projects: New Research in the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, pp. 119-129. Rockville, MD: Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, DHHS Pub No. (ADM) 93-1976, 1993. |
Pub. No. 111. Jones-Webb RJ. Drinking patterns and problems among African-Americans: Recent findings. Alcohol, Health and Research World, 22(4):260-264. 1999. |
Pub. No. 108. Jones-Webb RJ, Snowden L, Herd D, Short B, Hannan P. Alcohol-related problems among black, Hispanic, and white men: The contribution of neighborhood poverty. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 58:539-545, 1997 |
Pub. No. 97. Jones-Webb R, Baranowski S, Fan D, Wagenaar AC. Content analysis of coverage of alcohol policy issues in Black-oriented and mainstream newspapers in the US: 1993-1995. Journal of Public Health Policy, 18(1):49-66, 1997. |
Pub. No. 98. Forster JL, Wolfson M, Murray DM, Wagenaar AC, Claxton AJ. Perceived and measured availability of tobacco to youth in fourteen Minnesota communities: The TPOP Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 13(3):167-174, 1997. |
Pub. No. 101. Jones-Webb R, Hsiao CHP, Caetano R. Predictors of increases in drinking problems among black and white adults: Results from the 1984 and 1992 national alcohol surveys. American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 23(2):281-99, 1997 |
Pub. No. 82. Jones-Webb R, Jacobs DR, Flack JM, Liu K. Relationships between depressive symptoms, anxiety, alcohol consumption, and blood pressure: Result from the CARDIA study. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 20(3):420-7, 1996. |
Pub. No. 80. Jones-Webb R, Hsiao CY, Hannan P. Relationships between socioeconomic status and drinking problems among black and white men. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 1995;19(3):623-7. |
Pub. No. 61. Jones-Webb R. Marketing booze to blacks (review). Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved; 4(2):146-147, 1993. |
Pub. No. 71. Toomey T, Jones-Webb RJ, Wagenaar AC. Policy—Alcohol. Annual Review of Addiction, Research, and Treatment, 3:279-292, 1993. |
Pub. No. 51. Blackburn H, Wagenaar AC, Jacobs D. Alcohol: Good for your health? Epidemiology, 2(3):227-228, 1991. |