Enforcement of Alcohol Policies

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Pub. No. 240. Lenk KM, Scholz N, Erickson DJ, Joshi S, Toomey TL, Jones-Webb R, Nelson TF. Alcohol enforcement in the U.S. from 2010 to 2019. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 84(3):416-423, 2023.
Pub. No. 235. Lenk KM, Toomey TL, MacLehose RF, Scholz N, Schriemer D, Nelson TF, Delehanty E, Bosma LM, Gloppen K. Place of last drink enforcement: Effects on alcohol-related traffic crashes. Alcohol: Clinical and Experimental Research. 47(2):406-13, 2023.
Pub. No. 234. Scholz N, Lenk KM, Erickson DJ, Toomey TL, Jones-Webb R, Nelson TF. Alcohol-impaired driving enforcement priorities and strategies in a nationwide sample of U.S. law enforcement agencies. Traffic Injury Prevention, 24(1):1–6, 2023.
Pub. No. 231. Lenk KM, Erickson DJ, Joshi S, Calvert C, Nelson TF, Toomey TL. An examination of how alcohol enforcement strategies by sheriff and police agencies are associated with alcohol-impaired-driving fatal traffic crashes. Traffic Injury Prevention, 22(6):419-424, 2021.
Pub. No. 226. Calvert C, Toomey T, Lenk K, Joshi S, Nelson T, Erickson D. Variation in alcohol policy enforcement across urban and nonurban communities. The Journal of Rural Health, 36(2): 240-246, 2020.
Pub. No. 207. Erickson DJ, Farbakhsh K, Toomey TL, Lenk KM, Jones-Webb R, Nelson TF. Enforcement of alcohol-impaired driving laws in the United States: A national survey of state and local agencies. Traffic Injury Prevention, 16:533-539, 2015.
Pub. No. 206. Sanem JR, Erickson DJ, Rutledge P, Lenk KM, Nelson TF, Jones-Webb R, Toomey TL. Association between alcohol-impaired driving enforcement-related strategies and alcohol-impaired driving. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 78:104-119, 2015.

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